Alliance Communication Options
Lately I have been throwing ideas around about possible ways to improve alliance communications. I realize that we have Alliance Chat which is fine, but I think improvements would be appreciated by all alliances and their leaders. Here is a list of possible improvements and explanations for your review and comments.
1) Enable an Alliance Roster- by this I mean being able to select a guild in your alliance and then have the option to observe what members of that guild are online. This would be much easier than the present way of asking in A/C what officers and leaders are on as well as the other option of putting these members in your friends list.
2) Enable an Alliance Officers Chat- The reason behind this is that whenever any allaince issues (problems etc) come up, it would be more productive and easier to have an Alliance Officers Chat to work out any problems or issues instead of doing this by whisper or in open A/C. It may also assist in stopping problems in an Alliance before they start.
3) Bring back the Guild Officers Chat- Although this is not Alliance related, I found it very useful to have for a guild. See suggestion #2 for related reasons.